Benefits Info


To determine under which classification your medications fall, visit:
Preferred Drug List https://www.modahealth.com/pdfs/Prescription-drug-list-large-group.pdf

Filling your prescriptions

Present your Moda Health card at in-network pharmacies. To receive the highest level of benefits be sure to utilize Salem Health Pharmacies.

When you fill your prescription through Salem Health Pharmacies, you may request up to a 90-day supply, saving you money over a 30-day supply that would be filled at an in-network pharmacy.

Mail order prescriptions

You also have the choice to have a prescription delivered directly to your home through Postal Prescription Services (PPS) or Costco mail order pharmacy. The amount (30 to 90 days) varies by type of prescription.

Comparing prescription costs

To determine and compare prescription costs between different pharmacies, visit the Prescription Price Check tool on the Pharmacy tab after you have logged into modahealth.com/memberdashboard.

Prescription Benefits

Prime Plan - HDP

High Deductible Plan
Deductible must be met before coverage for prescription benefits can begin. Preventive and ‘value’ medications are not subject to the deductible under our HDP.
Tier I Tier II Tier III
Salem Health, PPS or Costco mail
order, and Ardon specialty pharmacies
ArrayRx Core Netwrok Out-of-network
'Value’ tier † $2 co-pay, Up to a 30-day supply
$6 co-pay, Up to a 90-day supply
$2 co-pay, Up to a 30-day supply $2 co-pay, Up to a 30-day supply
Generic 25%
$5 minimum, $25 maximum
Up to a 90-day supply
$15 minimum, $25 maximum
Up to a 30-day supply
$15 minimum
Up to a 30-day supply
Preferred brand 30%
$5 minimum, $75 maximum
Up to a 90-day supply
$15 minimum and no maximum
Up to a 30-day supply
$15 minimum
Up to a 30-day supply
Non-preferred 50%
$5 minimum and no maximum
Up to a 90-day supply
$15 minimum and no maximum
Up to a 30-day supply
$15 minimum and no maximum
Preferred Specialty ‡ 30%
$150 maximum
Up to a 30-day supply
Not covered Not covered
Select Specialty 25%
$5 minimum
$25 maximum
Up to a 30-day supply
Not covered Not covered
† Please use the Prescription Cost Estimator tool in your Moda Member Dashboard, or call 855-425-4543 to speak to a Moda representative who can advise what medications are considered ‘value’ and preventive.

Prescription Benefits

Classic Plan - MHP

Choice Plan - MHP

Medical Home Plan
Tier I Tier II Tier III
Salem Health, PPS, Costco mail
order pharmacy, and Ardon specialty pharmacies
ArrayRx Core Network Out-of-network
'Value’ tier † $2 co-pay, Up to a 30-day supply
$6 co-pay, Up to a 90-day supply
$2 co-pay, Up to a 30-day supply $2 co-pay, Up to a 30-day supply
Generic 25%
$5 minimum, $25 maximum
Up to a 90-day supply
$15 minimum, $25 maximum
Up to a 30-day supply
$15 minimum
Up to a 30-day supply
Preferred brand 30%
$5 minimum, $75 maximum
Up to a 90-day supply
40% Up to a 30-day supply 50%
$15 minimum
Up to a 30-day supply
Non-preferred 50%
$5 minimum and no maximum
Up to a 90-day supply
$15 minimum and no maximum
Up to a 30-day supply
$15 minimum and no maximum
Preferred Specialty ‡ 30%
$150 maximum
Up to a 30-day supply
Not covered Not covered
Select Specialty 25%
$5 minimum, $25 maximum
Up to a 30-day supply
Not covered Not covered
† Please use the Prescription Cost Estimator tool in your Moda Member Dashboard, or call 855-425-4543 to speak to a Moda representative who can advise what medications are considered ‘value’ and preventive.
‡ Specialty medications are only available through the exclusive specialty pharmacy.

Video: Prescription Drug Benefits

Video: Managing RX Costs