Benefits Info

Saving for retirement is easy when you participate in the 401(k) Retirement Plan.

How the 401(k) Retirement Plan Works

The IRS limits the maximum amount you can contribute to your 401(k). For 2025, that limit has been increased to $23,500 up through age 49, or $31,000 if age 50+. You can start, stop, or change your contribution amount once per pay period. 

Salem Health provides two types of contributions for enrolled participants:

  1. Matching contribution – qualify after one Year of Eligible Service and begin receiving contributions the first pay period after completing one Year of Eligible Service
  2. Experience contribution – for eligible participating employees (those who contribute 1% or more of salary), Salem Health will make an additional contribution based on your Years of Service in a benefit eligible position the pay period following that achievement.

Special rules apply if you have periods of broken service during your Year of Benefit Service.

Matching Contributions

Matching contributions
Your contribution Salem Health contribution Vesting
1% of pay 1% of pay Always 100% vested
2% of pay 2% of pay Always 100% vested
3% of pay 3% of pay Always 100% vested
4% of pay 3.5% of pay Always 100% vested
5% or more of pay 4% of pay Always 100% vested

Experience Contributions

Employees who have completed one year of service in a benefits-eligible position become eligible for experience contributions when eligible to participate in the 401(k) plan.

Your years of Benefit Service Salem Health will contribute
1-4 years 1.5% of pay
5 -9 years 2.5% of pay
10 -14 years 3.5% of pay
15 years or more 4.5% of pay

20% per year
for 5 years

Click to view the Live Web Workshop catalog and enroll for a live web workshop, or click to view the complete OnDemand catalog and watch workshops at your convenience.

How to change 401k contributions
401k Summary of Material Modifications
Fidelity Workplace Financial Consultants
NetBenefits App Flyer
NetBenefits User Guide
Retirement Rollover Contribution Form
Retirement 401k SPD
401k Fee Disclosure Notice
401k Investment Policy Statement 2022

Video: 401(k)

Planning for Retirement